This case study revolves around the collaboration between Koy Clothing, a prominent fashion brand, and John Lewis, a major retailer in the UK. The case study focuses on two projects; undertaken to streamline the order fulfilment process between Koy Clothing and John Lewis. The primary objective was to optimize the integration of orders from John Lewis into Koy Clothing's Shopify system, ensuring seamless stock management and timely customer satisfaction. These projects aimed to improve the order fulfilment process, fully automate order acknowledgements, and integrate the delivery note creation and dispatch workflow.
In the first project, our goal was to automate and standardize the order fulfilment process using integration technology. We utilized SFTP for document exchange, with John Lewis sending CSV files through their platform: ‘The Edge’. Leveraging the CC Message Broker Service (our primary EDI/integration offering) we built a process which extracts and translates the data into JSON, which the Shopify API is able to digest. In the majority of cases, orders will be automatically acknowledged, by the automation, through a method of comparing stock levels to order quantities.
Building upon the success of the first project, the second project focused on further enhancing order processing. We introduced a new automation where the system generates PDF delivery notes as an order is acknowledged. We transmit these delivery notes to Koy Clothing's third-party logistics (3PL) system, ready to be printed.
For more details, explore the comprehensive case study for a deeper understanding of this groundbreaking collaboration.